Feeling safe and secure in your own home is priceless but you can purchase peace of mind from The Home Depot in the form of our latest home security and alarm systems. We offer state-of-the-art home security kits and accessories to protect you and your family from danger, including door and window alarms, garage and driveway alarms, as well as motion detectors. You can also find pool alert systems that will warn you if a door or gate to your backyard swimming pool area has been opened to help prevent against home drowning accidents.
At The Home Depot you can also find comprehensive surveillance systems that allow you to monitor what goes on in your home and/or office 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We offer both wired and wireless security cameras for your convenience. You also have the option of choosing between several multiple camera kits depending on your personal needs and the size of your property. If it’s important that you actually store the footage captured by the security cameras, we have exactly what you need. Systems that record video are also available so that you can save the information on a media card for future use. Some systems also offer remote monitoring from anywhere in the world via an Internet connection and other security systems are Smart Home compatible and can be adjusted anytime using the system control panels.
You can also find a broad range of other products to meet your security and surveillance needs, including hidden cameras, spy gadgets, voice recorders and all types of other covert equipment. In addition, we offer a huge selection of safes to keep your household possessions secure such as fire safes, gun safes and key and portable safes.
The Home Depot’s wide selection of home security systems includes all the great brands you know and trust, including Lorex, Revo, Q-See and more. Shop our extensive selection online now at homedepot.com.