Protect your home or business from more than just crime!
Fire is a very real concern to both business and home property owners. Although it may be easy to rebuild an office or home after a fire, it is not easy to rebuild your losses or compensate for the emotional trauma suffered.
Fire records conclusively prove that most large loss fires reach their destructive proportions because of belated detection of fire and smoke, or because of delay in summoning fire officials. Since the first five minutes of a fire are the most crucial, early detection and reliable notification of fire-fighting forces are the key elements that make Guardian’s detection systems vital in protecting you from disastrous fires.
Guardian can install manual alarms that allow you to alert your employees to a hazardous situation while simultaneously summoning the fire department.
Our Automatic Fire Detection Systems go a step beyond, detecting and reporting heat or smoke instantly and automatically via our 24 hour Monitoring Station. Our system detects a fire hazard in its crucial early stages warning occupants to evacuate and reducing potential property losses.
Our monitored fire protection systems include:
- Smoke and heat detectors.
- Manual fire alarm system boxes.
- Sirens and strobe lights to alert occupants of danger and help get them to safety.
- Addressable fire zones to pinpoint the source of the fire and help fire fighters extinguish it quickly.
- Blast mitigation systems that minimize property damage and injury due to flying glass and debris.
Guardian Alarm’s sprinkler supervisory and water flow signaling systems eliminate the likelihood of a serious fire loss or equally serious water damage. Any time that a potentially hazardous condition exists, an alarm is sounded at our Monitoring Stations and proper officials are summoned to the scene.
The same holds true for our gate valve and temperature supervisory services. In the case of gate valve supervision, we are alerted any time that a valve is shut off, tampered with, or otherwise not functioning normally. For temperature supervision, we monitor the temperature of the building or buildings, summoning officials to the scene if the temperature is abnormally high or low.
Guardian Alarm is recognized and approved by the UL and FM insurance rating organizations, which means we represent the most effective means of coping with the ever-present hazards of fire and water damage. Guardian will add assurance by performing routine tests and maintenance of your supervisory services insuring that everything is functioning properly.